Check It
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The tools described below take data for correct and incorrect responses.

Fillin displays a statement that the teacher reads and the student responds to by completing the phrase. Like "Clap your _____" response Hands

Find It
Find It displays pictures in a field of 3 or 6 for a student to select the correct picture after hearing a teacher's request. On Options page you can select a target type for Find It (noun, noun noun, color icon, preposition, verb noun).

Find It FFC
Find It FFC displays pictures with a statement or question pertaining to a feature, function or class of the target. The teacher reads the statement or question and the student selects a picture.

Imitation displays a text statement of an action that the teacher performs for the student to imitate.

Instruction is a statement that the teacher says to a student for them to comprehend and perform.

Say It
Say It displays a picture of an item that the student is expected to label. On Options page you can select a type of picture to display for noun, noun & noun, verb & noun, color icon and preposition.

Say It FFC
Say It FFC displays a picture of an item that the student is expected to label, say the feature, function, and class. Select nouns for this activity. Ask appropriate questions of your student for them to provide the responses and use the score buttons.

Topics provides a checkbox for completion. There is no incorrect response for Topics.
Topics provide 300 topics for conversation organized in 18 categories. There are multiple display options for the topic picture and text.
Use Topics to learn about new things, prepare for an upcoming event or practice conversations.

Question displays a question that the teacher asks and the students answers.

Correct Reward
The number of targets that need to be scored correct before the Reward screen is displayed.
1 - requires only 1 target to be correct
2 - requires 2 targets to be correct
5 - requires 5 targets to be correct
variable - requires between 1 and 9 targets to be correct it is a random number
rewards off - shuts off rewareds

When using Find It, Find It FFC, or Learn Find It be sure to have at least 6 targets selected in the "goal" or "favorites" or "my words".

The Learn tools do not take data. They only provide practice and learning.

Learn FFC
Learn FFC displays a photo and text for nouns with their class, feature, function, color and shape. The purpose is to practice talking about a noun. No data is recorded.

Learn to Tap
Learn to Tap displays a photo in a random position on the screen for the student to learn to touch one picture. The purpose is just to allow a student to touch a picture. No data is recorded.

Learn Find It
Learn to Find It displays 6 photos and asks the student to find one of them. No data is recorded. Use the Find It Type to select a type of photos. This is only available on a tablet or computer.

Option Descriptions

A Goal is a group of targets that can be used in a tool to group targets to be taught together for a specific purpose.
Click the Goals button to update goals or select 1 goal to work on.

Find It Display
3 phone 3 pictures vertically for a phone
3 wide 3 pictures horizontally for tablet or computer
6 grid 6 pictures in two rows for tablet or computer

Find It Type
Select an option here that is applied to the set of targets chosen under Target Selection.
For example, if you select "goal" in Target Selection and then pick "noun noun" it will display only noun noun targets from the set of targets in that Goal.
You must select at least 6 targets in order for Find It to display the screen.
color icon only shows objects that are of the type color icon
noun shows the name of object and takes data for saying the object name
noun noun shows a picture with two nouns in it for identifying both nouns
preposition only shows pictures that are of the type preposition
verb noun only shows pictures that are of the type verb noun

Reward Display
shows an image or video after the number of targets are scored correct based on the number in Correct for Reward.
animated gif moving image but no sound
animation shows animated video clips with music
icons show 20 different icons in 8 random colors
smile face shows different smile faces icons
star bar shows 1 to 5 stars like a token board
student videos shows 1 of 5 Youtube videos specified for the student on the Manage Student page
video music shows graphical and music video clips

Say It Text
The text displayed on a screen is based on the selection of type of target you make in the Say It Type option. For example, if you select "noun feature" and "question on" you will see the text "What feature does this have?"
question on asks a question about the picture
label on displays the label of the target
label off no text is displayed

Say It Type
Select an option here that is applied to the set of targets chosen under Target Selection.
For example, if you select "all targets" in Target Selection and then pick "noun noun" it will display only targets that are the noun noun type
noun noun shows a picture with two nouns
noun shows the name of object
color iconshows a colored icon
preposition shows objects that demonstrate a preposition
verb noun shows objects that are of the type verb noun, data taken is the same for verb video
verb video only show verb videos, data taken is the same for verb noun

Find It Numbers On
When Numbers On has a check numbers on the Find It screen above each picture are displayed. This is available for remote therapy use. An assistant would say the number of the picture that the student touches on their end. Then the therapist who is delivering therapy remotely would make the click for the student in order to take data.

Find It Speak Errors
When Speak Errors is set On then the object name clicked in error will be spoken by the computer on the Find It screen when an error is made. So the consequence of an error is hearing the name of the wrong object touched.

Target Order
alpha shows the targets in alphabetical order
random shows the targets in random order
Note that Find It always displays targets in random order

Target Selection
all targets selects targets from the database
favorites selects targets marked as a favorite for the user
goal selects targets in the selected goal for the current student
my words selects targets from the My Words targets
use scores selects targets based on the target scores only, it will use targets in a goal as well, it will not use my words targets