Checkbox Software Data

Take Data And Use Data

Data is recorded by clicking the check mark or the X mark during instruction of each target. For most tools, the right pointing arrow on the bottom right of the screen advances to the next target with no data recorded. However, in the Find It tool if an incorrect response is made in Find It by the student the incorrect is recorded only after the correct picture is clicked or after the right forward arrow is clicked. In Find It the student clicks a picture to record a correct response. And only 1 incorrect response is recorded in Find It per target regardless of how many errors they make to select each target.

Data Stored

For each of the noun targets there may be 4 different Say It skills stored. These include noun name, feature, function, class

The Find It FFC tool provides a question and pictures to test knowledge of feature, function, and class of objects.

Data can be taken for Topics which represents what you deem to be a correct response for a topic.

Instructional Tools

Tools are the buttons used for instruction

  • Fillin
  • Find It
  • Find It FFC
  • Imitation
  • Instruction
  • Learn FFC- no data is recorded
  • Learn Find It - no data is recorded
  • Learn to Tap - no data is recorded
  • Question
  • Say It
  • Say It FFC
  • Topics

Target Types

Number of targets for each Target Type

  •  320  Color Icon
  •  350  Fillins
  •  430  Find It FFC
  •  240  Imitation
  •  220  Instruction
  •  540  Noun
  •  100  Noun and Noun
  •  113  Preposition
  • 1249  Question
  •  300  Topics
  •  100  Verb Noun


Skills are learning results of a Target Type as a Tool

You select a target type to use with a tool work on these skills
  • Fillin
  • Imitation
  • Instruction
  • Find It Color Icon
  • Find It Name
  • Find It Noun and Noun
  • Find It Preposition
  • Find It Verb Noun
  • Find It FFC
  • Question
  • Say It Class
  • Say It Color Icon
  • Say It Feature
  • Say It Function
  • Say It Name
  • Say It Noun and Noun
  • Say It Preposition
  • Say It Verb Noun
  • Topic


Reports provide insight into student progress. You can display progress, export data and uncheck scores made in error.