Checkbox Software Inc. Privacy Policy for

Last Updated January 3, 2023


Checkbox Software Inc. is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information you provide to us. The purpose of this Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) is to describe how Checkbox Software Inc. collects, uses, and shares the personal information you entrust to us by using our products or services on our websites, social media, email exchanges, software, mobile applications, and other online services and platforms on which this Policy is posted (the “Service”). Please read this Policy carefully before using our Service.

Your use of our Service and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Service (“Terms”). If for any reason you do not accept and agree to the terms set forth in this Policy or our Terms and Conditions, then accessing the Service is strictly prohibited, and you must immediately exit.

This Policy is written in English. We do not guarantee the accuracy of any translated versions of this Policy. To the extent that any translated versions of this Policy conflict with the English language version, the English language version of this Policy shall control.


We collect information that you provide to us when you interact with our website at (the “website”) or request information from us; contact customer support; or otherwise communicate with us.

We may receive certain information about you through our third-party affiliates or partners and from other companies that provide us with such information as a part of their relationship with us. We may combine this with data that we already have collected about you. Such collected data includes contact details such as email address and your name.

When you use our website, we collect certain information about you automatically through our use of cookies and similar technologies.


Checkbox Software Inc. collects the following categories of personal information (1) contact information, including first and last names and email addresses; (2) authentication information, including the user name and password that you use to register an account on the Site; (3) financial information for payment processing purposes;  (4) student names and your selection of checks of data in the website apps. (5) support requests; (6) IP address, mobile network information, or device information, such as operating system, browser type, browser language, hardware version, device settings, file and software names and types, battery and signal strength, and device identifiers.

Checkbox Software Inc. only collects and processes the minimum amount of personal information from you that is necessary for you to use the software. You should abbreviate the names of students to further protect their privacy.  We do not need real names entered into the software.  Checkbox Software Inc. may use your information:

To offer you personalized help and instructions and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using the apps;

To measure how the Service is performing, improve Checkbox Software for users on their devices

To better understand how users access and use our Service, on an aggregated or de-identified basis, in order to improve our Service and respond to user desires and preferences and for other research and analytical purposes.


Checkbox Software Inc. does not trade, sell, or rent any personal information to third parties, including for advertising or marketing purposes. Targeted advertising is not permitted on, and Checkbox Software Inc. does not and will not use any student personal information for any purposes that are unrelated to the provision of the Service requested by a registered user.

Testimonials Checkbox Software Inc. posts testimonials on our Service that may contain personal information like the name and text of a testimonial. We obtain the individual’s consent in advance to ensure we have permission to post this content publicly. To request removal of your personal information from such testimonials, please contact us at

Aggregate Information Checkbox Software Inc. may also share aggregated, non-personally identifiable information publicly, including with other users, partners, or the press, in order to demonstrate how the software is used, spot industry trends, or provide marketing materials for Checkbox Software. Any aggregated information shared in this way will not contain any personal information, and Checkbox Software Inc. is not limited in its use of aggregate information that does not permit direct association with any specific individual, such as the number of users of our services, the geographic distribution of our users, etc.

Legal Disclosure We will share personal information with third party companies, organizations, or individuals outside of Checkbox Software when we believe in good faith that access, use, preservation, or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to comply with a legal obligation; when we believe in good faith that the law requires it; at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation; to verify or enforce our agreements, Terms, or other applicable policies; to respond to an emergency; or otherwise to protect the rights, property, safety, or security of Checkbox Software, third parties, visitors to our Site, or the public, as required or permitted by law.

Transfer in the Event of Sale or Change of Control If the ownership of all or substantially all of our business changes, or we otherwise transfer assets relating to our business or the Site to a third party, such as by merger, acquisition, bankruptcy proceeding or otherwise, we may transfer personal information to the new owner. In such a case, unless prohibited by applicable law, your information would remain subject to the privacy policy applicable at the time of such transfer, unless you discontinue use of our Service.


Checkbox Software Inc. reserves the right to terminate accounts that have not been accessed for a period of more than one year. Generally, however, Checkbox Software Inc. will store personal information only as long as reasonably necessary:

To provide the Service to you and other users;

To respond to and resolve any queries you may send us;

To protect the safety and security of our community or Service;

To prevent abuse of our Terms;

In the event you might legally bring a claim against us; and

To comply with our legal and regulatory requirements.

You can, of course, request to delete your account at any time, and Checkbox Software Inc. will immediately delete student account information when requested.


When you register, subscribe, create an account, sign up to receive offers or emails from us, or otherwise communicate with us through our Service, you may “opt out” of receiving future communications from us by indicating that you decline such communications. You may choose to have your name taken off of our email list by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of anyCheckbox Software email or sending an email to


Checkbox Software Inc. uses cookies to help remember your username, userid, studentinitials, studentid and data base ids to let the software operate in an interactive fashion. A cookie is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. When you visit the Site again, the cookie allows the Site to recognize your browser. Cookies may store unique identifiers, user preferences, and other information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some Site features or services will not function properly without cookies. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service, including for storing user preferences. If you use Checkbox Software on different devices each device has its own cookie settings.

Checkbox Software Inc. may also use analytics services, including mobile analytics software provided by third parties like Google Analytics, to track and analyze data from our Site or Service and to evaluate usage of our Site and Service. We use the data collected by such third parties to help us administer and improve the quality of our Service, to analyze Site and mobile application usage, and to help us improve our Services, performance, and user experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies to perform their services. These third parties are not permitted to use the information collected on our behalf, except to help us conduct and improve our business. We do not share personal information with these third parties.


COPPA and FERPA Compliance

Protecting children’s privacy is important to us. We are compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”), to the extent that these laws apply to Checkbox Software.

We are committed to meeting whatever legal obligations we may have under COPPA and FERPA in accordance with our Terms, this Privacy Policy, and the law. Accordingly, we do not share any student information with any other third-parties, except as provided in this Policy. All users are required to meet their legal obligations under COPPA and FERPA as a condition of using our Service.  

Any parents or legal guardians that want copies of their children’s personal information that we may have stored can contact us by sending an email to Parents and legal guardians may, at any time, refuse to permit us to collect further personal information from their children and may request that Checkbox Software Inc. delete the personal information we have collected from their children by contacting us at Please keep in mind that deleting records will require us to terminate the account in question. Also remember that before we can share the information with you, or delete it per your request, we will need to verify your identity, including by requiring that you provide acceptable forms of personal identification.


Checkbox Software Inc. aims to provide you with easy access to any personal information we have collected about you. If that information is incorrect, we give you easy ways to update or delete it, unless we have to keep that information for legitimate business or legal purposes.

Upon request, Checkbox Software Inc. will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information, and, if you are a user of Checkbox Software, you may request access to all your personal information that we have on file by contacting us at In some cases, we will not be able to guarantee complete access due to legal restrictions.  For example, you will not be allowed to access files that contain information about other users or information that is confidential to us. Additionally, we may not be able to fulfill requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort, or that would be extremely impractical.

You may update, correct, or delete some of your profile information or your preferences at any time by contacting us at  We may also retain a backup copy of the prior version for a limited period of time or for legal purposes.

If you want to delete your account, you may contact us at any time at If you are a teacher, school, or parent or legal guardian, you may also contact us to delete your student or child’s account or to review the information we have collected about your student or child. When you request to delete your account or the account of your student or child, we will delete the profile information and any other content provided in the account to be deleted, such names, usernames, passwords, and email addresses, and any feedback and information collected through the mobile permissions that have been granted by the account’s user. Note that information you have shared with others, that others have shared about you, or content that other users may have copied and stored, is not part of your account and may not be deleted when you delete your account.


If you registered on, provided an email to us, or otherwise opted-in to receive communications from us, we may send you messages and updates regarding your account, including privacy and security notices, updates regarding the Service, and information regarding products, features or other services from Checkbox Software. These communications may include, but are not limited to, social media updates, push notifications, email, and postal mail. If you have an account with us, we will also use your email address to contact you for customer service purposes or for any legal matters that arise in the course of business.

We may receive a confirmation when you open an email from us if your device supports it. We use this confirmation to help us understand which emails are most interesting and helpful. You may unsubscribe from receiving any of our emails or other communications at any time by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any Checkbox Software email, by turning off push notifications on your device, or sending an email to Please note that even if you choose not to receive legal notices from us, including those notices concerning this Policy, such notices will still govern your use of our Site and Service, and you are responsible for reviewing any and all legal notices for changes to our Terms or this Policy.


In compliance with California law, we provide California residents with certain information and access upon request (“Consumer Request”). This Policy outlines how California residents can request the information and what you can receive.

If you would like to submit a Consumer Request, you can contact Checkbox Software Inc. at If you choose to submit a Consumer Request, you must provide us with enough information to identify you and enough specificity on the requested data. Checkbox Software Inc. will only use the information it receives to respond to your request. Checkbox Software Inc. will not be able to disclose information if it cannot verify that the person making the Consumer Request is the person about whom we collected information, or someone authorized to act on such person’s behalf.

“Personal information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. “Personal information” does not include publicly available information.

Request to Correct. You may correct or update your personal information at any time by contacting us.

Request to Access. You may submit a Consumer Request to obtain a copy of or access to the personal information that Checkbox Software Inc. has collected on you.

Request to Know. You may submit a Consumer Request to receive information about Checkbox Software’s data collection practices.

Right to Know what Personal Information is being Collected.

You may request information on the categories of personal information Checkbox Software Inc. has collected about you; the categories of data collection sources from which the personal information is collected; Checkbox Software’s business or commercial purpose for collecting or disclosing personal information; the categories of third parties with whom Checkbox Software Inc. shares personal information, if any; and the specific pieces of personal information we have collected or disclosed about you.

Right to Know what Personal Information is Sold or Shared and to Whom.

You may also request the categories of personal information that Checkbox Software Inc. has collected about you; the categories of personal information that Checkbox Software Inc. sold or shared about you and the categories of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared, by category or categories of personal information for each category of third parties to whom the personal information was sold or shared, and the categories of personal information that Checkbox Software Inc. disclosed about you for a business purpose and the categories of persons to whom it was disclosed for a business purpose.

Please note that the categories of personal information, sources, and disclosure will not exceed what is contained in this Policy. Additionally, Checkbox Software Inc. is not required to retain any information about you if it is only used for a one-time transaction and would not be maintained in the ordinary course of business. Checkbox Software Inc. is also not required to reidentify personal information if it is not stored in that manner already, nor is it required to provide the personal information to you more than twice in a twelve-month period. Additionally, please be aware that only sharing activities covered by California law will be included in our response to your request.

Request to Delete. You may request that Checkbox Software Inc. delete personal information it has collected about you. Subject to certain exceptions set out below we will, on receipt of a verifiable Consumer Request, delete your personal information from our records, direct any Service Providers to do the same, and notify all third parties to whom Checkbox Software Inc. has shared your personal information to delete it unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort.

Please note that we may not delete your personal information if it is necessary to:

complete the transaction for which the personal information was collected, fulfill the terms of a written warranty or product recall conducted in accordance with federal law, provide a good or service requested by you, or reasonably anticipated within the context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform a contract between you and us;

help to ensure security and integrity to the extent the use of your personal information is reasonably necessary and proportionate for those purposes;

detect security incidents, protect against malicious, deceptive activity, and take all necessary and appropriate steps to mitigate current and future risk;

debug and repair internal information technology as necessary;

undertake internal research for technological development and demonstration;

exercise free speech, ensure the right of another consumer to exercise his or her right of free speech, or exercise another right provided for by law;

comply with the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act pursuant to Chapter 3.6 (commencing with Section 1546) of Title 12 of Part 2 of the Penal Code;

engage in public or peer-reviewed scientific, historical, or statistical research in the public interest that adheres to all other applicable ethics and privacy laws, when our deletion of the information is likely to render impossible or seriously impair the achievement of such research, provided we have obtained your informed consent;

enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with your expectations based on your relationship with us and compatible with the context in which you provided the information;

comply with an existing legal obligation; or

otherwise use your personal information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the context in which you provided the information.

Checkbox Software Inc. may not, and will not, treat you differently because of your Consumer Request activity. As a result of your Consumer Request activity, we may not and will not deny goods or services to you; charge different rates for goods or services; provide a different level quality of goods or services; or suggest any of the preceding will occur. However, we can and may charge you a different rate, or provide a different level of quality, if the difference is reasonably related to the value provided by your personal information.


Checkbox Software Inc. does not sell, rent, or lease your personally information to third parties. However, if you are a resident of Nevada and would like to submit a request not to sell your personally identifiable information, you may do so by emailing us at


Personal information or “personal data” means “any information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable natural person.” “Personal data” does not include de-identified data or publicly available information.

Request to Access. You may submit a request to confirm or to obtain a copy of or access to the personal data that Checkbox Software Inc. has collected on you including what the data is, how it’s been used, and who it’s been disclosed to. Your personal data may no longer be available because it has been destroyed, erased, or made anonymous in accordance with Checkbox Software’s data retention policies in which case we will provide you with the reasons why the personal data no longer exists where possible.

Request to Correct. You may correct or update your personal data at any time by logging into your account or by contacting us.

Request to Delete. You may request that Checkbox Software Inc. delete the personal data provided by or obtained about you. We will delete your personal data from our records and direct any service providers to do the same unless retention is required by law.

Request to Opt-Out. You may submit a request to opt out of the sale of your personal data as well as its processing for targeted advertising or consumer profiling. Checkbox Software Inc. does not sell, rent, or lease your personal data to third parties and es not process your personal data for targeted advertising or consumer profiling.

Appeal. If we notify you that no action is to be taken in response to your request to access, correct, delete, or opt-out, you may appeal this decision by contacting us within 30 days with the reason why you believe further action should be taken. If you are not satisfied with the result of the appeal, you may contact the Virginia Attorney General or submit a complaint online at

If you like to make any of the above requests, you can contact Checkbox Software Inc. at or by mail at the address provided below. If you choose to submit a request, you must provide us with enough information to identify you in order to comply with your request. Checkbox Software Inc. will only use the information it receives to respond to your request. Checkbox Software Inc. will not be able to disclose information or comply with your request if it cannot verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected information, or if such person is a known child, that child’s parent or legal guardian.


Personal information or “personal data” means “information that is linked or reasonably linkable to an identified or identifiable individual.” “Personal data” does not include de-identified or publicly available information.

Request to Access. You may submit a request to confirm or to obtain a copy of or access to the personal data that Checkbox Software Inc. has collected on you including what the data is, how it’s been used, and who it’s been disclosed to. Your personal data may no longer be available because it has been destroyed, erased, or made anonymous in accordance with Checkbox Software’s data retention policies in which case we will provide you with the reasons why the personal data no longer exists where possible.

Request to Correct. You may correct or update your personal data at any time by logging into your account or by contacting us.

Request to Delete. You may request that Checkbox Software Inc. delete the personal data it has collected on you. We will delete your personal data from our records and direct any service providers to do the same unless retention is required by law.

Request to Opt-Out. You may submit a request to opt out of the sale of your personal data as well as its processing for targeted advertising or consumer profiling. Checkbox Software Inc. does not sell, rent, or lease your personal data to third parties and does not process your personal data for targeted advertising or consumer profiling.

Appeal. If we notify you that no action is to be taken in response to your request to access, correct, delete, or opt-out, you may appeal this decision by contacting us within 30 days with the reason why you believe further action should be taken. If you are not satisfied with the result of the appeal, you may contact the Colorado Attorney General.

If you like to make any of the above requests, you can contact Checkbox Software Inc. at or by mail at the address provided below. If you choose to submit a request, you must provide us with enough information to identify you in order to comply with your request. Checkbox Software Inc. will only use the information it receives to respond to your request. Checkbox Software Inc. will not be able to disclose information or comply with your request if it cannot verify that the person making the request is the person about whom we collected information, or someone authorized to act on such person’s behalf.


Checkbox Software Inc. is based in the United States, and our Service is hosted here. If you choose to provide us with your personal information, you understand that we are transferring it to Checkbox Software’s locations and systems in the United States or to the locations and systems of Checkbox Software’s Service Providers around the world. Checkbox Software Inc. may process, transfer, and store information about users of the Service on servers located in a number of countries, including the United States.

If you are using our Service from another country, the laws governing our collection and use of personal information may be different from the laws of your country. By using the Service, or by providing us with any information, you consent to the collection, processing, maintenance, and transfer of such information in and to the United States and other applicable territories in which the privacy laws may not be as comprehensive as, or equivalent to, those in the country where you reside or are a citizen.


Checkbox Software Inc. uses industry standard physical, technical, and administrative security measures and safeguards to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information and prevent the misuse, alteration, and loss of the information under our control. Please be advised, however, that while we take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information and ensure the security of our network and systems, such measures cannot be guaranteed to be secure. Checkbox Software Inc. cannot promise or guarantee that hackers, cybercriminals, or other unauthorized third parties will not be able to defeat our security, and improperly collect, access, steal, or modify your personal information. Accordingly, it is your responsibility to protect the security of your login information, including your username and password. Additionally, please note that emails and other communications you send to us through our Site are not encrypted, and we strongly advise you not to communicate any confidential information through these means.

If at any time you suspect that a problem may be present regarding the information you disclose to us, please contact us at immediately, and we will do our best to resolve the problem.


We may change, update, or add to this Policy. However, if Checkbox Software Inc. makes a material change to this Policy, Checkbox Software Inc. will inform you of the change via email. Unless otherwise permitted by applicable law, Checkbox Software Inc. will not change its information collection, use, or disclosure practices with respect to personal information without this notice. If any change has a material adverse impact on you and you are not agreeable to the change, you must so notify Checkbox Software Inc. in writing within fourteen days after receiving notice of the change.

By continuing to use our Site and Service after any changes are made without notifying us that you otherwise object to such changes, you understand and agree to be legally bound by the changes and the then-current privacy policy. You further agree to be familiar with this Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, and to review this Policy and check your email frequently for any changes, updates, and modifications. While this Policy may change from time to time, Checkbox Software Inc. will enforce and comply with all applicable laws with respect to this Policy, any future versions of this Policy, our Service, our rights, and our obligations to you.  


As Checkbox Software Inc. takes your privacy concerns very seriously, if you have any questions, concerns, complaints, or suggestions regarding this Policy, please contact us at You may also call us at (425) 269-5775 and write to us at:  Checkbox Software, Inc   182 Victoria Loop,  Port Townsend, WA 98368