Target Selection all targets Intertrial Interval in Seconds 0Times to Show Target After Error 1
Add Grey Image Border to Targets
Blink Title Line with Name of Target
Ask Math Question for Back Button
Prompt Target in Yellow BoxAfter Error - Prompt Target none green dashed box green dashed box blink target blink target moves side to side
After Error - Show Error none hide error image show error in red border
After Error - Play Sound none say "No find" + target say picture of error say target
After Correct - Show Target none green box 1 second
After Correct - Play Sound none bling da dee ding say "yes"
Play Youtube Video Check This Box to Show Video Number of Correct to Show Video 1 Number of Seconds to Play Video 10
Targets Correct for Reinforcement 1 2 5 variable no reinforcement Reinforcement Type colored icons gif & ding my words play with target video - cartoon video - music video - for student
Checky can be used independently by your learner. You select the way Checky works on this Checky Options page.Target Selection Select either all targets or pic list.
All targets will use just the noun targets in the database. The pic list will display only the targets that you select from the categories of nouns, prepositions, noun and noun, and verb noun. Pic List Button Click the Pic List button to manage the list of pics that will be displayed to the learner. Intertrial Interval in Seconds Set from 0 to 5 seconds to add a delay to Checky before a target page is displayed. This slows down Checky. If you set to 0 there is no delay.Times to Show Target After Error Set this to have Checky show the same target X number of times after the student gets an error.Add Grey Image Border to Targets Set this on to add a light grey border around target images.Blink Title Line with Name of Target Set this on to make the top title box and target word blink to get learners attention to click the button and hear the target name.Add Math Question for Back Button Check this on to require a multiplication question to be asked to allow the back button to return from the Checky screen to the Checky Options screen. This will prevent the student from using the options screen.Prompt Target in Yellow Box Set this on to show a yellow box around the correct target after the play icon on the Title Line button is pressed. This gives a deliberate prompt to the correct target.After Error - Prompt Target Defines what happens to the correct target picture after an error occurs.After Error - Show Error Defines what happens to the error target picture after an error occurs.After Error - Play Sound Defines what sound is played after an error occurs.After Correct - Show Target Defines what happens to the correct target picture after a correct response.After Correct - Play Sound Defines what sound is played after a correct response. Play Youtube Video Use this feature to add a videoid of a Youtube video to play after a specified number of correct targets Check This Box to Show Video Set this on ou to show a Youtube video after a specified number of correct responses and for the specified number of seconds. The videoid is the part of the URL of the video after the "v=" . For example, with this URL you would use just 1LfD0Rd-Wr0Targets Correct for Reinforcement Number of targets that must be answered correctly before reinforcement is shown.Reinforcement Type Select what type of image or video is shown for reinforcement. IPAD You can use the Guided Access feature on an IPAD to help the learner stay with Checky without navigating to other IPAD apps.
click Settings
click Accessibility
click Guided Access
turn toggle on
turn Accessibility Shortcut on
Go to Checky
Click Home button 3 times to activate
Where are scores stored? Scores are stored in your browser until you click the Delete These Scores button to delete scores immediately. What is Pic List? Pic List is your selected set of picture targets that is saved in your browser storage area.Display Scores Show a summary and the detail of scores. Close Help
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