Evidence-Based Practices for Children, Youth, and Young Adults with Autism
This detailed review from the National Clearinghouse on Autism Evidence & Practice provides a comprehensive listing of EBPs which includes on Technology-Aided Instruction and Intervention (TAII)
which is effective for teaching students aged 1 to 22 in many domains.
Use of Technology in Interventions for Children with Autism (2004)
"These comparative studies indicate that computer based instruction typically results in benefits such as increased motivation, decreased inappropriate behavior, and increased attention and sometimes results in increased learning compared to traditional methods."
"They showed a preference for electronic devices compared to traditional materials like books and cards. The high level of interest in electronic devices could motivate children with ASD to stay engaged in learning"
Computer-assisted vocabulary instruction for students with disabilities: Evidence from an effect size analysis of single-subject experimental design studies (2018) by A Cabanillas-Tello, M Cabanillas-Carbonell states that "Evidence from CAI vocabulary studies commonly shows that the presentation of text with auditory and visual supports led to improved outcomes for students with disabilities.""
1. "the stimuli must be provided in a clear and concrete manner"
2. "minimize transition time"
3. "customizability"
User Interface for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders (2014)
1. Design for simplicity and few elements on screen.
2. Use simple graphics.
3. Do not use pop-up elements and distractions.
4. Pages should load fast.
Stakeholder Perspectives to Support Graphical User Interface Design for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Qualitative Study (2021)
1. "From the participants’ perspective, using a combination of visual and written information may be one of the most effective ways to teach this population"
2. "The interface should prevent children’s distractions and help them focus on the main elements of the screen, which is why it is essential to reduce visual complexity."
1. Customizability
2. Single objective
3. Reward
4. Repeatability and predictability
1. Quality of app engagement
2. Functionality
3. Aesthetics
4. Information quality
A study that reports that taking first trial correct data results in similar results to taking 80% of 10 trials.
A Comparison of Methods for Collecting Data on Performance During Discrete Trial Teaching (2011)
Review of a few studies on the differences between taking only first-trial correct or all trial data.
The Benefits of Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior for Children with Autism
Dr. Mark Sundberg provides a review of B.F. Skinner's Verbal Behavior to the teaching of children with autism.
Verbal Behavior Analysis: A Program of Research in the Induction and Expansion of Complex Verbal Behavior by Greer & Ross . See page 146 for a description of the verbal behavior levels of students.