Check It Lite
All Targets
Target Selection

Target Type

Find It Display


Say It Order


Say It Text

Correct Reward

Reward Display

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Check It Lite Help

Click a blue button to use a tool. The "all targets" selection displays targets in a random order.
To teach specific targets, please register, login and create a goal with specific targets.

Buttons and Options


This displays the imitation targets. The instructor will read the statement silently and then perform the action for the student to imitate.

This displays instructions. The instructor will read the instruction out loud for the student to perform.

Find It
Find It is a receptive language tool where the instructor says the name of the target and the student selects a picture by touching the screen. Find It supports a display of pictures in a field of 3 or 6.

Say It
Say It is an expressive language tool where the student labels the target picture as requested by a teacher. There are pictures for noun, noun & noun, verb & noun, color icon, and topic. To see the action videos select the "verb video" option.

Correct Reward
The number of targets that need to be scored correct before the Reward Display screen is shown.

Find It Display
3 phone 3 pictures vertically for a phone
3 wide 3 pictures horizontally for tablet or computer
6 grid 6 pictures in two rows for tablet or computer

Reward Display
Shows an image or video after the number of targets in Correct for Reward are scored correct.
You can click the blue text Reward Display to preview the rewards. Click the reward or forward arrow to see the next one.
animated gif moving image but no sound
animation shows animated video clips with music
icons show 20 different icons in 8 random colors
star bar shows 5 stars in a token board format
video music shows graphical and music video clips

Say It Text
The text displayed on the screen along with the target picture.
question on asks a question about the picture
label on displays the label of the target
label off no text is displayed

Select one for all targets
Use these options to refine the target type of targets to display
color icon the color icon targets
noun the name of the target
noun noun 2 item noun noun targets
preposition preposition targets verb video works in the Say It tool to show videos of actions
verb noun pictures of the verb noun targets

Say It Order
alpha shows the targets in alphabetical order
random shows the targets in random order
Find It always displays targets in random order

Target Selection
all targets shows all targets
goal available when you are logged in and have a student selected. A goal is a set of targets.