Check It Features


Check It Instruction

  • Learn imitation.
  • Learn expressive vocabulary.
  • Learn receptive vocabulary.
  • Follow instructions.
  • Complete fillins.
  • Answer questions.
  • Learn features, functions, class.
  • Talk about topics.

Check It Management

  • Create a list of favorites for the user.
  • Define goals with targets for the student.
  • Produce graphs and reports.
  • Create printable picture cards.
  • Create language target lists.
  • Take data on any program you define.
  • Export scores

Check It Customize Features

  • Number of correct responses for a reward.
  • Speak errors on Find It
  • Number of images on Find It (3 or 6)
  • Turn text labels on or off
  • Turn numbers on or off on Find It
  • Select type of rewards
  • Define up to 5 Youtube video rewards

Actions for You to Take

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