Define a Goal Plan

Create a Goal Plan

1. Decide what language skill to work on (receptive, expressive, imitation, instruction, fillin, question) Then pick a Check It tool. (use Find It for receptive and Say It for expressive, Imitation, Instruction, Fillin, Question )

2. Select a target type (noun, noun noun, color icon, preposition, verb noun, imitation, instruction, fillin, question, LRFFC)

3. Pre-test your student using "all targets" of the target type and the tool (Find It, Say It, Imitation, Instruction, Fillin, Question). This will help you find targets they do not know yet.

4. If your student has incorrect responses during the pre-test then select those targets when you create the goal so that you can teach them. You do this when you add targets to the goal by looking at the correct and incorrect response scores.

5. Use the goal and the tool to teach the targets until mastery is met.

6. Review student scores and select more targets to teach.

Each row in the table below represents a goal with elements of the goal plan. These are organized into 6 developmental stages. For example, S1-4 has the goal "say wanted objects". The target type of Noun and multiple categories will be used with the Say It tool to work on this goal.

The steps are:
1.  State the student goal.
2.  Pick the Target Type, Category, and Targets.
3.  Use the appropriate Check It tool.

This report shows an example of this S1-4 defined with targets. The Goal Group field is used to remind yourself to use the tool "Say It". You can use the Goal Group and Goal Description fields to suit your specific needs.
Developmental Stages and Example Goal Plans
Stage 1
Number Goal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S1-1 imitate actions Imitation - gross movement Imitation
S1-2imitate gesture Imitation - gesture Imitation
S1-3respond to instruction Instruction - in context Instruction
S1-4say wanted objects Noun - multiple Say It
Stage 2
NumberGoal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S2-1imitate with objects Imitation - action object    Imitation
S2-2say fillins to songs Fillin - song Answer It
S2-3say fillins sayings Fillin - daily living Answer It
S2-4make animal sounds Fillin - animal sound Answer It
S2-5understand words Noun - multiple Find It
S2-6follow instruction Instruction - in context Instruction
Stage 3
NumGoal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S3-1imitate actions Imitation - fine motor Imitation
S3-2identify objects Noun - body part Find It
S3-3name object names Noun - clothing Say It
S3-4follow instructions Instruction - in context Find It
S3-5say fillins to phrase Fillin - daily living Answer It
Stage 4
NumberGoal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S4-1identify actions Verb noun Find It
S4-2say object names Noun - clothing Say It
S4-3say two words Noun noun Say It
S4-4use verb and noun Verb noun Say It
S4-5finish phrases Fillin - daily living Answer It
S4-6answer questions Question - about me Answer It
Stage 5
NumberGoal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S5-1say object feature Noun - feature Say It
S5-2say object function Noun - function Say It
S5-3say object class Noun - class Say It
S5-4identify objects by ffc LRFFC - fillin feature Find It FFC
S5-5answer questions Question - name features Answer It
Stage 6
NumberGoal Target Type - Category Check It Tool
S6-1use phrases Verb noun Say It
S6-2list similar items Question - name item of class Question
S6-3describe objects Noun - animal Learn FFC
S6-4talk about activity Topics - daily activity Say It
S6-5answer questions Question - what and noun Answer It