Checkbox Software Help Center


Why create a Goal?

Goals are sets of targets. A goal has a name, group and description and any number of targets. You select a goal in order to work on a set of targets.

Review the Ideas below for possibilities on how to define your goals. These goal columns and the way you organize the goals is up to you.

Goals can group targets to work on
1.  Imitation
2.  Fillins
3.  Receptive identification
4.  Labeling objects
5.  Identifing verbs in actionsn
6.  Articulation
7.  Answering questions
Ideas for Goal Setup
Tact 6-Mlevel 2Student will name 25 objects when asked What's that?
LR 5-M tactSelects the correct item from array of 6.
IV 9-MquestionsStudent answers 25 what questions.

IEP 13Say ItNames 25 objects when asked What's that?
IEP 14Find ItPoint to 10 objects when named.
IEP 16Answer ItAnswer 10 fillin statements.

Level 1 assessmentmixed targetsImitation & Instruction
Level 2 assessmentmixed targetsSay It & Find It
Level 3 assessmentmixed targetsAnswer & Fillin
How to Create a Goal

Check It

1.  Click Check It

2.  Under Target Selection click Goals button

3.  In top right hand corner click Goal link

4.  Enter Goal Name as a short name like an IEP goal number, or a VB-MAPP milestone number or an assessment name

4.  Enter Goal Description to define the purpose of the goal

4.  Enter Goal Group to help you organize your goals or to remind you which tool to use

5.  Click Add Targets to this Goal

6.  Select Target Type of the data to add to the goal

7.  Click Star button under Select to pick the targets

8.  Click little blue triangles on column headers to sort the data to find targets

9.  If you are using the Find It tool you need to select a minimum of 6 targets
How to Select a Goal to use

Check It

1.  Click Check It

2.  Under Target Selection click Goals button

3.  Select Goal Name of the goal that you want to use

4.  Select back arrow button to return

5.  On Check It under Target Selection select goal

6.  Then you can use the tool buttons with the targets specified in the goal