Checkbox Software Help Center


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  • Where do I start? Try Check It Lite to learn how some of the tools work.
  • How do I know what to teach? You should use a language assessment tool like VB-MAPP or ABLLS-R to help you assess student skills and select goals to teach. Click the Get Started button in the Help Center to get to the Cross Reference guides from VB-MAPP to Check It. Then use Check It to find targets and pictures to work on those goals.
  • Can I use multiple devices at the same time? Yes you can use your login account to login in to any number of devices at the same time. Verfiy your login account via the email that we send to you.
  • What type of data is collected? Correct and incorrect responses for a student are collected. Here are details about the data in Take Data - Use Data
  • Does a student use this software independenly? No. Language is learned as an exchange between two people. So a teacher and a student sit together with a device that is running Check It. The teacher controls what is displayed on the screen and takes data for correct or incorrect responses by tapping the check box or the X mark in most of the tools. However, in the Find It tool the student can touch the pictures on the screen to record data. If the student's touching is weak you can assist with the mouse.
  • What order do I click on the buttons in Check It? Check It has many buttons that help you provide instruction. You do not need to click the buttons in any order. Simply select the button for the tool that you want to use to meet the student's needs. You can use the tools for just a few seconds to work on a specific language goal or use it through out the day on different devices. You decide what works for your student.
  • How do I get the Print Page to fit the page size? Click Print Pages. To print in Google Chrome, Firefox & Internet Explorer - set your margins to "minimum" and turn off headers and footers.
  • Does Check It work on all devices? Check It works on most current devices running newer browsers. It may not work on some really old devices, like IPADs that are out of Apple support because they do not have the software needed to run it. Please try Check It on your device before you purchase a license. There are simply too many browsers and devices for us to test on them all and make any quarantees.
  • Can I add my own targets? At this time you can not add your own targets and images to Check It. Students will need multiple examples of pictures and physical objects that you need to provide to round out their instruction.
  • How is my Login account used? Your Login account grants you access to your students. In Check It only one user can access a student. So if multiple people need to work with the same student they should all log into the same username. The Check It Team software will provide the multiple users to multiple student capabilities. All data that you take for the student is stored with your username.
  • How many students can I support? Each license to Check It provides access to 1 student. You may purchase additional licenses for new students and you may extend the annual license for a student by a year. You can reuse a license with a different student by changing that student's identifier on the Student page and deleting the student data.

Quick Tips

  • Use a Goal
    Create a goal to group targets that either meet an IEP goal, a VB goal or an assessment of a skill. Click the Deliver Instruction button above to learn more about goals.
  • Delete Data I took for a Student
    Use the Target Data screen to review the student data and to delete an incorrect score that you took during instruction
  • Use Student Responses to select what to teach
    Use the Days Correct selection option to apply the student response scores to the data selected. This will find targets that meet the number of days correct for that student.
  • Print pages for offline work
    Use Print Pages to print customized lists of targets and pictures for offline practice
